Judi Larson Judi Larson

Telling My Story

For decades I’ve heard the voice of the universe, God, Source, urging me to put my story on paper and share it.

Wh do I want to share it?

Because it is a lonely road to try to heal on your own. I tried it because I trusted no one and I feared judgment.

Countless women are living with their own stories similar to mine.

They need not go alone on the journey to hope and healing.

We women are meant for connection.

That’s when my Mind took over.

Overcoming My Anxious Mind

I wasn’t just an abused little girl or wife to an alcoholic or mother of a son with mental illness – I was a slave to an anxious Mind. Like a cruel master, my Mind screamed at me incessantly. I was never good enough. Beautiful enough. Strong enough. Religious enough.

Nothing I did was sufficient.


Because my parents made it clear from early on: They didn’t love me.

They couldn’t. I don’t think they knew how to love.

In my book, From Self-Hate to Self-Love, I wrote this in Chapter 2, “The Unhealed Wounds of Parents:”

“I wondered if all parents fought all the time like my mom and dad,
and if they did, why was it so hard to be a parent? Why even have kids
anyway? I know there are no perfect parents, but what happened to my
mom and dad during their childhoods that they couldn’t show love

That’s why my house always felt cold and empty. I Just kept attempting to be perfect and nice, hoping the day would come when my
parents could show a little love. I knew better, but I kept dreaming.”

– From Self-Hate to Self-Love, Chapter 2: “The Unhealed Wounds of Parents”

I pitied my parents.

They were lacking one of the greatest aspects of life and family: Love.

Something awful had happened to them, long before I was even born, to shape them into unloving husks of human beings.

But I couldn’t see it at the time. To young Judi, this was how family worked.

And it was probably my fault that it worked this way.

So I busied my Mind with earned love. I wanted to earn their love, my sister’s love, God’s love – who or whatever it was, it didn’t love me because I was broken.

My Story is Your Story

I can’t be alone because there is simply too much brokenness in the world.

If you’ve experienced anything like this, or anything else I describe in my book, I’d love to talk.

As a certified counselor and spiritual healer, I’d be honored to guide you on the path to recovery from all the trauma you’ve endured.

It won’t be easy or super quick, because true healing never is. It takes time and dedication.

I’m ready for it. I’m ready to commit to this process and be the healer you need to experience true transformation.

Just reach out.

All it takes is a quick email and we’ll book a complimentary welcome session.

I’d love to hear your story. Just click below, send me a short email, and we’ll get started.

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